Thanks for stopping in...check out my educational training below along with my passion for the prophetic and healing from trauma & PTSD.
Education and passion
I am a graduate of the Global Awakening School of Supernatural Ministry - GSSM (2022-2024). I have received extensive ministry training in praying for physical healing, healing from trauma and emotional wounds and deliverance as well as a strong biblical foundation.
I have a prophetic certification from the Global College of Ministry which includes training on basic prophecy, prophetic evangelism, new and old testament prophecy and more.
I hold a Bachelor's of Business Administration in Accounting from Western Michigan University and worked in corporate America from 1999- 2013. I created, owned and operated a thriving senior portrait photography business from 2013 - 2019, and then worked for a small family business for 3 years before leaving to begin ministry school.
I am currently in a season of travel, ministering prophetically across the United States to individuals, ministries, churches, conferences, schools and businesses. I am accepting invitations as led by Holy Spirit. Please fill out the form here.
I LOVE travelling and have ministered internationally in Brazil, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Panama and Mexico. I have a heart to equip the nations in the prophetic as well as minister in the gifts of the Spirit.
I offer teaching on various topics such as how to hear God's voice, prophecy, words of knowledge, physical healing, trauma, deliverance, etc...
I love to preach the Word of God, including powerful messages such as Intimacy in Communion, Unity in the Body of Christ, and Jesus is the Gate. I also preach the gospel and share my testimony on the streets of cities across the United States, including college campuses, as led by Holy Spirit.​
I have an active prophetic ministry, offering sessions on ZOOM, as well as the PODCAST Everyday Prophecy.​
I love JESUS. I am in love with JESUS. I continue to lay my life down at His feet daily and surrender to His extravagant LOVE.